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I Just Got Saved

You have just made the best and most important decision of your entire life. 


God wants His creation to know Him. He did something amazing to make this possible – He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to provide everlasting life. The goal is to know God the Father through Jesus His Son and the promised Holy Spirit. All must receive God's answer for salvation, which is to receive what Jesus did for us and make Jesus Lord of our life by accepting Him as God's answer for salvation. Through this, we can come to truly know Him and experience the joy and peace that comes from a relationship with Him.

We want to help you experience the overcoming and victorious life that Jesus has provided for those who inherit eternal life through Him. After filling this form out we will send you a gift to help you get started strong. You will not be solicited to buy anything or make an offering to Spirit Life Church.  

Just Got Saved

Fill out form to receive a gift from us to help you get established in your faith. 

How did you get saved?

We are excited for you!

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